Thursday, May 25, 2023

16C European Women

1500 Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (1467-1516) Portrait of a Lady as St Lucy

1500 Gentile Bellini (1429-1507) Portrait of Caterina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus

1500 Master of the Joseph Sequence (fl 1479-1500) Johanna I van Castilië

1500 perhaps by Niklas Reiser Maria von Burgund (1457-1482)

1500 Pietro Perugino (1448-1523) Pietro Magdalen

1500s Claude de France (1499-1524) and her daughters (Louise, Charlotte, Madeleine and Marguerite) and Eleonore of Habsbourg

1503 Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) Kopf der Maria

1505 Boccaccio Boccaccino (1460-1525) Gypsy Girl

1505 Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli from Castelfranco 1477-1510) The Old Woman

1505 Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) Young Venetian Lady

1505 Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) Portrait of a Venetian Woman

1505 Jan Provoost (1462-c 1525) Portrait of a Female Donor

1506 Lorenzo Lotto (1480-1556) Portrait of a Woman

1507 Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) Portrait of a Young Girl

1508 Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio (1483-1561) Portrait of a Woman

1509 attr Hans Holbein the Elder Katharina Schwarz

1509 Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli from Castelfranco 1477-1510) Portrait of a Courtesan

1510 Hans Holbein the Elder Portrait of a Woman

1510 Alessandro Araldi (1460-1530) Barbara Pallavicino

1510 Sebastiano del Piombo, Daughter of Herodias

1510 c Beatrice d'Este by Bartolomeo Veneto

1510 Sebastiano del Piombo, Portrait of a Young Girl as a Wise Virgin

1510 Vittore Carpaccio,  Portrait of a Woman

1510 Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli from Castelfranco 1477-1510) Two Women and a Man - The Trio

1511 Tiziano Vecellio (Titian) Portrait of a Woman Known as La Schiavona

1512 Palma il Vecchio (1580-1528)Young Woman in Green Dress

1513 Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Portrait of the Artist's Wife

1514 Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530) Portrait of a Lady with a Book

1514 Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)- Profane Love - Vanity

1515 Altobello Melone (1490-1543) Alda Gambara

1515 Palma Vecchio, 1515-1520 The Three Sisters

1515 Palma Vecchio, (1515-1520) Young Girl in Profile

1515 Pietro degli Ingannati,  Portrait of a Young Lady

1516 Hans Holbein the Younger (1498-1543) Dorothea Kannengiesser

1516 Jacopo Pontormo (1494-1557) Portrait of a Woman

1519 Domenico Beccafumi (1484-1551) Tanaquil

1510 Bernadino Licinio Portrait of a Lady

1515 Bernadino Licinio Portrait of a Lady

1519s Giovanni Cariani Lady Behind a Parapet

1515-20 Palma Vecchio, Lady in Green

c 1505-1520 Juan de Borgona (1470-1536) Lady with Hare

Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (Italian, 1467-1516) Portrait of a Woman

A Woman Unknown Artist c 1505

 Bartolomeo Veneto (1470-1531) Portrait of a Woman c 1503

Bernardino di Bosio Zaganelli (Early Renaissance Italian, 1460s-1510)  c 1500

German Lady Artist unknown c 1500

Giovanni Francesco Caroto (Italian High Renaissance Painter, ca.1480-1555) Isabelle d'Este c 1505-10

Girolamo di Benvenuto (Italian High Renaissance Painter, 1470-1524) Portrait of a Young Woman, c 1508

Michel Sittow (1469-1525) Catherine of Aragon

Portrait of Eleonora Gonzaga (by Shearman) aka The Boston Raphael attributed to Raphael Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483–1520) 

Ridolfo Ghirlandaio (Florentine painter, 1483-1561) Woman c 1509

Laura De Noyes by Giorgione, an Italian renaissance artist. Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli from Castelfranco 1477-1510)