Saturday, April 13, 2024

19C Russian Flower Girls

Alexei Alexeievich Harlamoff (or Alexej Harlamoff - Alexej Charlamoff) (Russian painter, c 1840–1925) The Flower Girls

Friday, April 12, 2024

Swiss artist Jakob Emanuel Handmann 1718-1781 Paints European Women in Turquerie

Jakob Emanuel Handmann (Swiss artist, 1718-1781)  Unknown lady 1775

Jakob Emanuel Handmann was the 9th child of Johann Jakob Handmann, a baker in Waldenburg, & his wife Anna Maria Rispach. Between 1735 & 1739, he apprenticed in Schaffhausen with the painter & stucco plasterer Johann Ulrich Schnetzler. The young artist then traveled to Paris, Rome & Naples. In Paris, he worked at the studio of Jean Restout II. In 1742, Handmann worked in France with Hörling Handmann painting the heads of the sitters. Later he worked in the studios of Marco Benefial & Pierre Subleyras in Rome. There he produced commercial copies of masterpieces from the Classical Antiquity & Renaissance periods.  By June 1746, he was back in Switzerland; and in 1747, he settled down in Basel, where he opened his own studio.

Jakob Emanuel Handmann (Swiss artist, 1718-1781) Philippine Fellenberg

Jakob Emanuel Handmann (Swiss artist, 1718-1781) Lady in Turkish dress 1775

Jakob Emanuel Handmann (Swiss artist, 1718-1781) Catherine Augusta Lerber Sturler

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Frenchman Antoine de Favray 1706-1792 paints Turquerie + Knights & Ladies of Malta

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Maltese Women

Antoine de Favray was a French painter best known for His portraits of the Ottoman Empire. In 1738, he was Mentioned as a private pupil of Jean-François de Troy II, who was then director of the Académie de France in Rome. In 1739, Antoine de Favray was registered as a student at the Académie. In 1744, the artist left Rome for Malta, remaining there for much of the rest of His career Devoting himself primarily to portraiture & amp; genre painting. His portraits of women talking together in relaxed situations are Particularly important, Because most women in the Ottoman Empire Remained almost Exclusively Within Their family settings or among other women. Already he had lived a long life, When He wrote to Chevalier de Turgot in 1788, " In spite of my weak sight, a heavy hand and an exhausted imagination, I always spend my time making something or other ... Years pile upon each other, Which does not pain me, on the contrary. For this century is the century When things happen. It is near its end and so am I, luckily " 

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Annette Comtesse de Vergennes in Turkish Gown

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Turkish Women

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Portrait of a family, c 1760

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) grecques Dames en costume intérieur dans un jardin

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Ladies of the Knights of Malta With Their Maid Servants

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Dames de Malte if faisant visits in 1763

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Officers of the Knights of Malta

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Malta Interior (Gentlemen Only)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Woman Artist Angelica Kauffman, Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807 paints Newoclassical & Turquerie self-portraits

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Said to be both a Self Portrait and Bacchanal 1785

Angelica Kauffman was born in Switzerland, but grew up in Austria, where her family had originated. Her father, Joseph Johann Kauffman, was an itinerant artist who often traveled Europe seeking painting commissions. He taught his daughter to paint. Angelica Kauffman was quick to adopt his best qualities & sought to learn more. Her mother taught her several languages. The young artist read incessantly & showed talent as a musician. Her greatest gift seemed to be painting.

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self -portrait as Singer, Holding a Sheet of Music. 1753

By the time she was 12, she had bishops & nobles for her sitters. In 1754, her father took her to Milan.  Additional family visits to Italy led to Rome in 1763-64.  From Rome, she ventured to Bologna & Venice, where she was celebrated for both her talents & her personal charm. By this time, the young artist spoke Italian as well as German, French, & English, making her a favorite portratist of English visitors taking the grand tour to Rome.

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait 1763

In 1763, she became acquainted with Johann Joachim Winckelmann, & she attended Winckelmann's courses in perspective. Winckelmann was a leading German historian & architect. Her interactions with Winckelmann forced her broaden her stylistic horizon & aroused her interest in neoclassicism. Winckelmann espoused the virtues of Greek & Roman art, whether in the field of architecture or painting.

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait

Writing from Rome in August 1764, to his friend Franke, Winckelmann refered to her popularity. (She was then painting his portrait of which she also made an etching.)  She spoke Italian as well as German, he reported & expressed herself with facility in French and English - one result of the last-named accomplishment being that she became a popular portraitist for British visitors to Rome. “She may be styled beautiful,” he added, “and in singing may vie with our best virtuosi.”

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait 1760s

While at Venice, she was invited by Lady Wentworth, the wife of the German ambassador, to accompany her to London, where the royal family received them. When Angelica Kauffman decided to move to London in 1766, she enjoyed a reinvention of herself as a neoclassicist that would produce her greatest artistic successes. The movement of neoclassicism sought to embrace the ancient, namely in Greek & Roman art. She also included recent references to Turquerie in her portraits.  As characteristic of most neoclassical painters, her paintings also began to depict classical mythology & allegory

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait

In London, she became close with Joshua Reynolds & was included in the 1769 initial catalogue of the Royal Academy of Painting a& Sculpture. From 1769 until 1782, she was an annual exhibitor, sending sometimes as many as 7 pictures, generally classic or allegorical subjects.

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Said by Some to Be a Self Portrait 1781

In England & on the continent, she inspired & developed friendships with many artists, ranging from Philipp Hacke to Goethe. Indeed, Goethe was among her greatest supporters, describing her as the most “accomplished woman in Europe” as a female painter. She painted his portrait, as well.

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait

Kauffman's strength became her work in history painting, the most elite category in academic painting during the 18th century. Despite the popularity that Kauffman enjoyed in English society & her success as an artist, she was disappointed by the relative apathy that the English had for history painting, prefering portraits of their family members instead. It was the same complaint that John Singleton Copley had of colonial Americans.

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807)

She married Antonio Zucchi (1728–1795), a Venetian artist then resident in Britain, & they decided to return to Italy. Ultimately, she left England for the continent, where history painting was better established, esteemed, & patronized. She continued at intervals to contribute to the Academy in London, her last exhibit being in 1797. In the last years of her life she was sorely tried by reverses of fortune & by the death of her husband in 1795. "The poverty does not terrify me," she confided to an intimate friend, "but the loneliness kills me."

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait 1780

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait with the Blustockings 1778

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait 1781

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait_1784

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Allegory of Poetry and Music Self Portrait on Left 1782

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) - Self Portrait 1787

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian Neoclassical artist, 1741-1807) Self Portrait Hesitating Between the Arts of Music and Painting. 1791 Angelica showed a great aptitude for music and singing, and some of her father's friends strongly urged her to give up painting, but in vain.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Woman Artist Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun 1755-1842 paints a bit of Turquerie

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Marquise de Aguessenau wearing a robe a la turque 1789

Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (French artist, 1755-1842) The Marquise de Pezay and the Marquise de Rougé with Her Sons Alexis and Adrien 1787

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Genevieve-Sophie le Coulteux du Molay 1788

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon in a robe a la turque 1789

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Guiseppina Grassini 1804

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Comtesse Catherine Vassillievna Skavronskaia, dame d’honneur de l’Impératrice Catherine I

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842) Elizabeth Alexeievna 1795

Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Princess Anna Ivanonva Bariatinsky 1796

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Mademoiselle Brongniart

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Countess Golovine (1766–1821)

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Isabella Teotochi Marini 1792

Marie-Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (French artist, 1755-1842)  Baroness Anna Stroganova and Her Son, Sergey

Monday, April 8, 2024

Woman Artist Angelica Kauffman 1741-1807 paints women in Turquerie & Neoclassical costumes

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Lady in Turkish dress,c. 1780

 Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Portrait of Mary Walsh Mrs Clavering c 1780

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Portrait of a Lady c 1780

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Portrait of the Duchess of Courland Anna Charlotta Dorothea Medem 1785

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Portrait of Mme Latouche

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Woman as Vestal Virgin

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Portrait of Maria Carolina of Austria 1782

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Louisa Leveson Gower 1767

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Juliane von Krüdener (1764-1824) und ihr Sohn Paul 1784

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Anne Loudoun Lady Henderson of Fordell 1771

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Portrait of a Lady 1775

Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Theresa Robinson Parker, c 1780