Saturday, April 13, 2024

19C Russian Flower Girls

Alexei Alexeievich Harlamoff (or Alexej Harlamoff - Alexej Charlamoff) (Russian painter, c 1840–1925) The Flower Girls

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Frenchman Antoine de Favray 1706-1792 paints Turquerie + Knights & Ladies of Malta

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Maltese Women

Antoine de Favray was a French painter best known for His portraits of the Ottoman Empire. In 1738, he was Mentioned as a private pupil of Jean-François de Troy II, who was then director of the Académie de France in Rome. In 1739, Antoine de Favray was registered as a student at the Académie. In 1744, the artist left Rome for Malta, remaining there for much of the rest of His career Devoting himself primarily to portraiture & amp; genre painting. His portraits of women talking together in relaxed situations are Particularly important, Because most women in the Ottoman Empire Remained almost Exclusively Within Their family settings or among other women. Already he had lived a long life, When He wrote to Chevalier de Turgot in 1788, " In spite of my weak sight, a heavy hand and an exhausted imagination, I always spend my time making something or other ... Years pile upon each other, Which does not pain me, on the contrary. For this century is the century When things happen. It is near its end and so am I, luckily " 

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Annette Comtesse de Vergennes in Turkish Gown

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Turkish Women

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Portrait of a family, c 1760

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) grecques Dames en costume intérieur dans un jardin

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Ladies of the Knights of Malta With Their Maid Servants

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Dames de Malte if faisant visits in 1763

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Officers of the Knights of Malta

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Malta Interior (Gentlemen Only)

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Hugh Barron 1747-1791 paints a little blue & white Turquerie

Hugh Barron (British artist, 1747-1791)  Portrait of a lady, said to be Susanna, Mrs Bacon Bedingfield of Ditchingham Hall, Norfolk

Hugh Barron was the son of an apothecary in Soho, London.  The young artist became a pupil of Sir Joshua Reynolds. After leaving Reynolds' studio, he set off for Italy, by way of Lisbon, where he stopped for some time & painted portraits. In 1771-2, he was in Rome. Returning to London, he settled in Leicester Square, & exhibited some portraits at the Royal Academy in 1782-3 & 1786.

Hugh Barron (British artist, 1747-1791) Elizabeth Mrs. John Plampin Dau of Henry Hervey Ashton c 1766

Hugh Barron (British artist, 1747-1791) Portrait of a lady in blue, c 1778

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Polish Turquerie from Kazimir Wojniakowski 1772 -1812

 Kazimir Wojniakowski (Polish artist, 1772 -1812) Maria Theresa Poniatowska

Kazimierz Wojniakowski was a Polish painter & a pupil of Marcello Bacciarelli. His work as a portraitist was influenced by that of the Polish painter Józef Grassi.  Wojniakowski also produced religious works & scenes of contemporary historic events.

 Kazimir Wojniakowski (Polish artist, 1772 -1812) Izabela Czartoryska

1790s Kazimir Wojniakowski (Polish artist, 1772 -1812) Portrait of a Lady

Friday, April 5, 2024

18C Hints of Turquerie from Austrian Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder 1751-1830

Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Portrait of Jekaterina Samojlowa 1792-96

Giovanni Battista Lampi the Elder was born in Austria to fresco painter Matteo (Mattia) Lampi.  The young artist studied art under his father in Verona, & later in Salzburg. In 1773, he left his father's teaching to travel to Trento to study portraiture. He traveled next to Innsbruck; and then to Vienna, where the Emperor Joseph II appointed him a professor at the Vienna Academy in 1786. Later that same year, he was invited to Warsaw by the court of King Stanisław August Poniatowski.  He decided to stay & worked in Warsaw until the final partition of Poland.  In 1791, he moved to St. Petersburg, enticed by a hereditary knighthood offered by the Czar. In Russia he devoted himself to portrait painting.

Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Empress of Russia Catherine the Great (Sophie Fredericke Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst 1729-96) dressed for a masquerade

 Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Portrait of Countess Natalia Alexandrovna Suvarova (1775-1844) 1795

Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Aloysia Webber c. 1780

 Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian  painter, 1751-1830) Teréz Brunszvik de Korompa (Therese Countess von Brunsvik or Brunswick, 1775-1861)

 Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Kordula Potocka 1790

Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) 1793 Countess Catherine Stroganova

Thursday, April 4, 2024

18C Turquerie wraps with fur trim

1740-45 George Knapton (English artist, 1698–1778) Lady Throckmorton

1760s Francis Cotes (English Painter, 1726-1770) Lady Henrietta Godolphin, Duchess of Newcastle

1770 after Joshua Reynolds (English artist, 1723–1792) Portrait of a Lady

 1770s Francis Cotes (English Painter, 1726-1770) Portrait Of A Lady, Said To Be Henrietta Conyers

1771 Joshua Reynolds (English artist, 1723–1792)  Mrs Thomas Watkinson Payler

1775 Jakob Emanuel Handmann (Swiss artist, 1718-1781)  Unknown lady

1775 Jakob Emanuel Handmann (Swiss artist, 1718-1781) Lady in Turkish dress

 Joshua Reynolds (English artist, 1723–1792) Charlotte Grenville and her children

1770s  Jakob Emanuel Handmann (Swiss artist, 1718-1781) Philippine Fellenberg

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

European 18C Turquerie wraps with a variety of fur trims & attitudes!

1720 Nicolas de Largillière (French artist, 1656-1746) Lady as a sultana

 1727 Andreas Moeller (1684-1762) Young Maria Theresia

 1742 Portrait of Theodore Elizabeth Catherine, Baroness de Besenval, married, in 1733, to Charles Louis Guillaume, Marquis de Broglie

 1743 Jacques-André-Joseph Aved (1702-1766) Portrait of a lady in Turkish dress

1750 Jean-Baptiste Greuze (French artist, 1725-1805) Marquise de Chauvelin

1754 Martin van Meytens (Swedish artist, 1695-1770) Maria Thersia

1755 Francis Cotes (English Painter, 1726-1770) Mary Radclyffe

 1756 Francis Cotes (English Painter, 1726-1770) Rhoda Delaval (1725–1757), Lady Astley

1759 Martin van Meytens (Swedish artist, 1695-1770) Maria Theresa of Austria  

 1760 Heinrich Carl Brandt (Austiran artist, )Elizabeth Augusta von der Pfaltz

 1762 François-Hubert Drouais (French artist, 1727-1775)  Mlle de Romans en turque 

 1770 Joshua Reynolds (English artist, 1723–1792) Emily, Duchess of Leinster  

 1770-1 Joshua Reynolds (English artist, 1723–1792) Mrs Trecothick in Turkish Dress  

1770s Countess Palatine Elisabeth Auguste of Sulzbach (1721-1794)

 1772 Francis Cotes (English Painter, 1726-1770) Elizabeth Myddleton

1772 Princess Louise of Denmark dressed for a Masquerade in Turkish dress

 1774-6 Joshua Reynolds (English artist, 1723–1792) Mrs Richard Paul Jodrell 

1780 Maria Anna Angelica Katharina Kauffman (Swiss-Austrian artist, 1741-1807) Portrait of Mary Walsh Mrs Clavering

1790 Jean-Baptiste Greuze (French artist, 1725-1805)  Portrait of Mademoiselle Guimard 

 Carle Charles-André van Loo  (French Painter, 1705-1765) Portrait of a lady 

Francis Cotes (English Painter, 1726-1770) Catherine Fleming (d.1786), Lady Leicester 

George Knapton (English artist, 1698–1778) Lady Mary Montagu

 Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (French Painter, 1734-1781) Lady in Turkish Dress  

 Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (French Painter, 1734-1781) Young woman in Turkish costume 

 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 

Workshop of Martin van Meytens (Swedish artist, 1695-1770) Maria Theresia