Thursday, April 11, 2024

Frenchman Antoine de Favray 1706-1792 paints Turquerie + Knights & Ladies of Malta

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Maltese Women

Antoine de Favray was a French painter best known for His portraits of the Ottoman Empire. In 1738, he was Mentioned as a private pupil of Jean-François de Troy II, who was then director of the Académie de France in Rome. In 1739, Antoine de Favray was registered as a student at the Académie. In 1744, the artist left Rome for Malta, remaining there for much of the rest of His career Devoting himself primarily to portraiture & amp; genre painting. His portraits of women talking together in relaxed situations are Particularly important, Because most women in the Ottoman Empire Remained almost Exclusively Within Their family settings or among other women. Already he had lived a long life, When He wrote to Chevalier de Turgot in 1788, " In spite of my weak sight, a heavy hand and an exhausted imagination, I always spend my time making something or other ... Years pile upon each other, Which does not pain me, on the contrary. For this century is the century When things happen. It is near its end and so am I, luckily " 

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Annette Comtesse de Vergennes in Turkish Gown

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Turkish Women

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Portrait of a family, c 1760

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) grecques Dames en costume intérieur dans un jardin

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Ladies of the Knights of Malta With Their Maid Servants

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Dames de Malte if faisant visits in 1763

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Officers of the Knights of Malta

Antoine de Favray (French painter, 1706-1792) Malta Interior (Gentlemen Only)