Friday, April 5, 2024

18C Hints of Turquerie from Austrian Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder 1751-1830

Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Portrait of Jekaterina Samojlowa 1792-96

Giovanni Battista Lampi the Elder was born in Austria to fresco painter Matteo (Mattia) Lampi.  The young artist studied art under his father in Verona, & later in Salzburg. In 1773, he left his father's teaching to travel to Trento to study portraiture. He traveled next to Innsbruck; and then to Vienna, where the Emperor Joseph II appointed him a professor at the Vienna Academy in 1786. Later that same year, he was invited to Warsaw by the court of King Stanisław August Poniatowski.  He decided to stay & worked in Warsaw until the final partition of Poland.  In 1791, he moved to St. Petersburg, enticed by a hereditary knighthood offered by the Czar. In Russia he devoted himself to portrait painting.

Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Empress of Russia Catherine the Great (Sophie Fredericke Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst 1729-96) dressed for a masquerade

 Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Portrait of Countess Natalia Alexandrovna Suvarova (1775-1844) 1795

Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Aloysia Webber c. 1780

 Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian  painter, 1751-1830) Teréz Brunszvik de Korompa (Therese Countess von Brunsvik or Brunswick, 1775-1861)

 Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) Kordula Potocka 1790

Johann Baptist Lampi the Elder (Austrian painter, 1751-1830) 1793 Countess Catherine Stroganova